Closing Workshop of RTG ‘Nominal Modification’
The closing workshop of GK ‘Nominal Modification’ will take place between May 23-24, 2024 on Campus Westend, Seminarhaus (SH 3.104: presentations & SH 3.105: coffee breaks & posters). We invite previous and current GK members to join us. The program of the event can be found here. If you are planning to join the event (either as a presenter or as a participant), please fill in the following registration form (*for the users of Safari browser please try Mozilla or Google chrome if you encounter technical issues having access to the registration form).
The dinner (including drinks will take place on May 23, between 18:30-21:30 on Campus Westend at Casino 1.811)
Organizing Team: Derya Nuhbalaoglu-Ayan, Esther Rinke & Petra Schulz