Colloquium: Astrid Gößwein
Title: Extended nominal modifiers – participle constructions in German and English
The alternation of prenominal modifiers and relative clauses (cf. (2)) is especially interesting from a processing perspective, because both constructions have a different position, which could have an effect on memory load. Furthermore, they also differ in terms of finiteness and the existence of an overt subject. The comparison with other languages is one possibility to learn more about the processing of this construction in German. In English, an (at least superficially) similar construction to (1) is a reduced relative clause with a present participle. Contrary to German, modifiers that are extended by arguments occur postnominally. In this case, there is no difference in the position of a reduced or full relative clause. An eye-tracking experiment on the construction in English was conducted: participle constructions of different length and the corresponding relative clauses were compared. This will be followed by a future experiment on German.