Nominal Modification

The Research Training Group on Nominal Modification at the Goethe University Frankfurt

Home » Colloquium: Melanie Hobich

Colloquium: Melanie Hobich

On Tuesday, December 17th GK Colloquium will be hosting a talk by Melanie Hobich entitled KIND-interrogatives as predication? See below for the abstract. 

When: 4pm (c.t.)-6pm
Where: SH 0.107

KIND-interrogatives as predicational?

The literature on the “was für/wat voor/cto za” construction often makes reference to the predicational “nature” of this particular KIND interrogative found in Germanic, Baltic and Slavic  languages (Pafel 1996, Bennis et al. 1996, Kwon 2015). This talk proposes a syntactic analysis in this vain for the German construction and reviews evidence from various “was für” languages that support such a view. 

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