Mercator Fellow of GK: Louise McNally
We are very happy to announce that Louise McNally will be visiting RTG ‘Nominal Modification’ as Mercator Fellow in November 2022 (01.10-29.10). McNally will be offering two Mini-Courses and a Colloquim talk during her stay at Goethe University (see below for more details). Prof. McNally will also be meeting our senior and junior researchers to exchange ideas and experience on their ongoing studies. We are very excited for Prof. McNally’s visit and are looking forward to welcome her in Frankfurt soon.
November 16 2022, Wednesday, 12:00-14:00 (Location: Cas. 1.801/ Renate von Metzler Saal: Campus Westend) “Typologies of adjectival properties and grammar”
November 18 2022, Friday 10:00-12:00 (Location: Cas. 1.802: Campus Westend): “Understanding adjectival (non)gradability”
Colloquium talk
November 22 2022, Tuesday 16:00-18:00 (Location: SH. 5.101 Campus Westend): “Using adjectives for reference: A cross-linguistic perspective”
***All Goethe University linguists are very welcome to take part in the above-mentioned events. If you consider taking part in the mini-courses please register via following e-mail address: