Nominal Modification

The Research Training Group on Nominal Modification at the Goethe University Frankfurt

Home » Anita Obenaus’s talk at Laboratoire Dynamique Du Langage (CNRS)

Anita Obenaus’s talk at Laboratoire Dynamique Du Langage (CNRS)

We are happy to announce that our doctoral researcher Anita Obenaus will give a talk on ‘Classifiers in discourse in the Bolivia-Paraná Arawakan languages’ at the Laboratoire Dynamique Du Langage (CNRS) on November 6th between 15:00-16:30. Anita is currently on a research stay at CNRS.

The details of the talk be seen in the following link. If you would like to join the talk online, here you can find the access link to the Zoom meeting.

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