Nominal Modification

The Research Training Group on Nominal Modification at the Goethe University Frankfurt

Home » Workshop on Web-based Experiments using the PennController for Ibex by Florian Schwarz

Workshop on Web-based Experiments using the PennController for Ibex by Florian Schwarz

Date: June 21, 2018


July 4, 2018 -
July 6, 2018

July 4 (4pm – 6pm, SH 2.109) & July 6 (2pm – 4pm, SH 2.109)


Workshop on Web-based Experiments using the PennController for Ibex.
(with Jeremy Zehr)
IBEX is a free online platform allowing you to design and run experiments online in a standard browser. It was originally developed for a fairly small inventory of text-based psycholinguistic tasks. With support from Penn’s University Research Foundation, we (Jeremy Zehr and Florian Schwarz, Penn Linguistics) have been developing a new module, called PennController, which aims at facilitating the implementation of a wide range of dynamic and interactive features (visual stimuli, flexible multi-stage trial structure, scripted / timed events, playing audio files, integrating videos), as well as increasing user-friendliness.

This two-part workshop provides an introduction to the relevant aspects of IBEX and the core features of the PennController, with the aim to provide participants with enough basic knowledge to begin implementing experiments on their own. The first part of the workshop focuses on details of how to build individual experimental trials, including presentation of text, pictures, and audio, and allowing for response options including clicks, key-presses, entering ratings, and providing typed-in text. The second part covers how to build an entire experiment, from managing a larger number of trials and presentation order, to including introductory and final pages, tying it in with various subject recruitment platforms, and analyzing data.

Initial documentation can be found here (still work in progress), and we will roughly follow the online documentation for a previous workshop here (also still evolving). Additional instructions for necessary preparatory steps for the workshop will be sent around about a week prior to the workshop.