Associated Postdocs and Students
- Aßmann, Elisabeth. (2017). Differential Object Marking and Clitic Doubling in Spanish and Catalan: the grammaticalization of topicalization devices. In: Revue roumaine de linguistique, 4, 377-392. (pdf)
- Aßmann, Elisabeth & Esther Rinke. (2017). Relative clauses in a spoken corpus of European Portuguese: identifying the factors determining their variation. In: Linguística. Revista de estudos linguísticos da Universidade do Porto, 12, 9-40. (pdf)
- Bader, Markus, Emilia Ellsiepen, Vasiliki Koukoulioti & Yvonne Portele. (2017). Filling the prefield: Findings and challenges. In: Constantin Freitag, Oliver Bott & Fabian Schlotterbeck (Eds.). Two perspectives on V2: The invited talks of the DGfS 2016 workshop “V2 in grammar and processing: Its causes and its consequences”. 27-49. (pdf)
- Feldhausen, Ingo. (2016). The Relation between Prosody and Syntax: The case of different types of Left-Dislocations in Spanish. In: Armstrong, Meghan, Nicholas Henriksen & Maria del Mar Vanrell (Eds.). Intonational Grammar in Ibero-Romance: Approaches across linguistic subfields [Issues in Hispanic and Lusophone Linguistics 6]. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, pp. 153-180. doi: 10.1075/ihll.6.08fel (pdf)
- Feldhausen, Ingo. (2016). Inter-speaker Variation, Optimality Theory and the Prosody of Clitic Left-Dislocations in Spanish. Probus – International Journal of Latin and Romance Linguistics 28(2): 293-334. doi: 10.1515/probus-2015-0005 (pdf)
- Feldhausen, Ingo & Maria del Mar Vanrell Bosch. (2015). Oraciones hendidas y marcación del foco estrecho en español: una aproximación desde la Teoría de la Optimidad Estocástica. In: Elena Diez del Corral & Miguel Gutiérrez (Eds.), ‘Oraciones hendidas en el mundo hispánico: problemas estructurales y variaciones’, thematic issue of: Revista Internacional de Lingüística Iberoamericana 13(2): 39-60 (pdf)
- Féry, Caroline, Pramod Pandey and Gerrit Kentner. (2016c). The prosody of Focus and Givenness in Hindi and Indian English. Studies in Language 40(2). 302-339. (pdf)
- Franz, Isabelle, Gerrit Kentner, & Frank Domahs. 2016. The impact of animacy and rhythm on the linear order of conjuncts in child language. In: Draxler, Christoph and Kleber, Felicitas (Hrsg.) Tagungsband der 12. Tagung Phonetik und Phonologie im deutschsprachigen Raum. P und P 12, 12. – 14. (pdf)
- García Sánchez, Izarbe & Ingo Feldhausen (2016). Sprachdidaktische Materialien zur Förderung der Herkunftssprache: Bilingual deutsch-spanische Kinder in Deutschland. In: Müller, Anja, Angela Grimm & Barbara Geist (Hrsg.). “(Vor-)Schulkinder mit Deutsch als Zweitsprache im Fokus von Spracherwerbsforschung und Sprachdidaktik”. Themenschwerpunkt der Zeitschrift: Diskurs Kindheits- und Jugendforschung / Discourse. Journal of Childhood and Adolescence Research, Heft 1-2016, 11(1): 119-129. (pdf)
- Gutzmann, Daniel & Katharina Turgay. 2015. Expressive intensifiers and external degree modification. The Journal of Comparative Germanic Linguistics 17(3). 185–228.
- Höhle, Barbara, Tom Fritzsche and Anna Müller. (2016). Children’s comprehension of sentences with focus particles and the role of cognitive control: An eye tracking study with German-learning 4-year-olds. PLoS ONE, 11(3), e0149870. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0149870 (pdf)
- Issah, Alhassan Samuel. (in press). The Form and Function of Dagbani Demonstratives: In: Augustine Agwuele &Adams Bodomo (eds). The Handbook of African Linguistics. London: Routledge.
- Kentner, Gerrit. (2015a). Problems of prosodic parallelism. A reply to Wiese & Speyer 2015. Linguistics 53(3), 1233-1241. (pdf)
- Kentner, Gerrit. (2015b). Rhythmic segmentation in auditory illusions – evidence from cross-linguistic mondegreens. Proceedings of 18th ICPhS, Glasgow. (pdf)
- Kentner, Gerrit. (2015c). Stress clash hampers processing of noncanonical structures in reading. In: Vogel, R. and van de Vijver, R. (Eds.).Rhythm in Cognition and Grammar. A Germanic Perspective. Berlin: De Gruyter. 111-135 (pdf)
- Kentner, Gerrit. (2017a). On the emergence of reduplication in German morphophonology. Zeitschrift für Sprachwissenschaft 36(2), 233-277. (pdf)
- Kentner, Gerrit. (2017b). Phonologische Identität und ihre Vermeidung: Einsichten aus Grammatik und Sprachverarbeitung. Unpublished Habilitation Dissertation, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt.
- Kentner, Gerrit. (2017c). Rhythmic parsing. The Linguistic Review 34(1), 123-155. (pdf)
- Kentner, Gerrt. (2018). Schwa optionality and the prosodic shape of words and phrases. In: Ulbrich, C., Werth, A., Wiese, R. (eds.). Empirical approaches to the phonological structure of words. Berlin: De Gruyter. (pdf)
- Kentner, Gerrit & Steinhauer, K. (2016a).Prosody in written language – acquisition, processing, emergence of norms. Research Topic in Frontiers in Language Sciences.
- Kentner, Gerrit & Vasishth, S. (2016b). Prosodic focus marking in silent reading: effects of discourse context and rhythm. Frontiers in Language Sciences 7 (319). (pdf)
- Moskal, Beata. (2015). Limits on Allomorphy: A Case Study in Nominal Suppletion. Linguistic Inquiry, 46(2), 363-376. (pdf)
- Moskal, Beata. (2016). The Curious Case of Archi’s ‘father’. In The Proceedings of the 39th meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society (BLS 39), M. Faytak, K. Neely, M. Goss, E. Donnelly, N. Baier, J. Heath & J. Merrill, pp. 195-211. (pdf)
- Moskal, Beata. (to appear). Excluding exclusively the exclusive: Suppletion patterns in clusivity. Glossa. (pdf)
- Moskal, Beata. (to appear). Labial harmony in Turkic and Tungusic languages: An elemental approach. Phonology. (pdf)
- Moskal, Beata & Smith, Peter. W. (2016). Towards a theory without adjacency: hyper- contextual VI-rules. Morphology, 26(3-4), 295-312. (pdf)
- Moskal, Beata (2015b). Domains on the border: between morphology and phonology.Doctoral Dissertation, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT. (pdf)
- Müller, Anna, Barbara Höhle, and Petra Schulz. (2015). The interaction of focus particles and information structure in acquisition. In C. Hamann & E. Ruigendijk (eds.), GALA Proceedings 2013 (pp. 330-342). Cambridge. MA: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. (pdf)
- Müller, Anna, Petra Schulz, and Rosemarie Tracy. (2018). Spracherwerb. in C. Titz, S. Geyer, A. Ropeter, H. Wagner, S. Weber & M. Hasselhorn (Hrsg.), Entwicklung von Konzepten zur Sprach- und Schriftsprachförderung (pp. 53-68). Stuttgart: Kohlhammer. (pdf)
- Mursell, Johannes. (2016). Syntactic association with focus an agreement-based approach. In: K. Bellamy, E. Karkovskaya & G. Saad (eds.). Proceedings of ConSOLE XXIV. Leiden: Leiden University Center of Linguistics, 324-351. (pdf)
- Portele, Yvonne & Markus Bader. (2016). Accessibility and referential choice: Personal pronouns and d-pronouns in written German. Discours. Revue de linguistique, psycholinguistique et informatique 18. 1-41. URL: (pdf)
- Rinke, Esther & Elisabeth Aßmann. (2017). “The syntax of relative clauses in European Portuguese. Extending the Determiner Hypothesis of Relativizers to relative que.” In: Journal of Portuguese Linguistics, 16(1), 4. DOI: (pdf)
- Sailer, Manfred & Assif Am-David. (2016). Definite meaning and definite marking. In Arnold, Doug, Miriam Butt, Berthold Crysmann, Tracy Holloway King & Stefan Müller (eds). 2016. Proceedings of the Joint Conference on Head-driven Phrase Structure Grammar and Lexical Functional Grammar. Stanford: CSLI Publications. 641-661. (pdf)
- Sanfelici, Emanuela, Petra Schulz, and Corinna Trabandt. (2017). On German V2 “Relative Clauses”: Linguistic Theory meets Acquisition. In: Elisa Di Domenico, Syntactic Complexity from a Language Acquisition Perspective, Cambridge: Cambridge Scholar Publishing, 63-104. (pdf)
- Smith, Peter. W. (2015). Feature mismatches: Consequences for Syntax, Morphology and Semantics. Doctoral Dissertation, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT. (pdf)
- Smith, Peter. W. (2016). Count-mass nouns, inherent number and the unmasking of an imposter. Proceedings of CLS 50. (pdf)
- Smith, Peter. W. (2016). Lexical plurals in Telugu: Mass nouns in disguise. Lingvisticæ Investigationes 39(2), 234-252. (pdf)
- Smith, Peter. W. (2017). The syntax of semantic agreement in English. Journal of Linguistics, 53(4), 823-863. (pdf)
- Smith, Peter. W. (to appear). Object Agreement and Grammatical Functions. In K. Hartmann, J. Mursell & P. W. Smith (Eds.), Agreement in the Minimalist Programme. Language Science Press. (pdf)
- Smith, Peter. W., Beata Moskal, Jungmin Kang, Ting Xu, and Jonathan David Bobaljik. (2016). Pronominal suppletion: Number and Case. In The Proceedings of the North East Linguistic Society (NELS) 45 volume 3, T. Bui & D. Özyıldız (Eds.), 69-78. (pdf)
- Smith, Peter. W., Beata Moskal, Ting Xu, Jungmin Kang, and Jonathan David Bobaljik. (to appear). Case and number suppletion in pronouns. Natural Language and Linguistic Theory. (pdf)
- Smith, Peter W. (2016). On the cross-linguistic rarity of endoclitics. Proceedings of Berkeley Linguistics Society (BLS) 39, Matthew Faytak, Kelsey Neely, Matthew Goss, Erin Donnelly, Nicholas Baier, Jevon Heath and John Merrill (eds), 227-244. (pdf)
- Trabandt, Corinna. (2017). On the acquisition of restrictive and appositive relative clauses. Doctoral thesis, Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main. (pdf)
- Trabandt, Corinna, Alexander Thiel, Emanuela Sanfelici, and Petra Schulz. (2015). On the Acquisition of Ordinal Numbers in German. In: Cornelia Hamann & Esther Ruigendijk, Language Acquisition and Development: Proceedings of GALA 2013. 521-532. (pdf)
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March 20, 2018