Principal Researchers
- Bader, Markus. (2015). How prosody constrains first-pass parsing during reading. In Explicit and implicit prosody in sentence processing: Studies in honor of Janet Dean Fodor, eds. Lyn Frazier & Edward Gibson, 193–216. Berlin: Springer. (pdf)
- Bader, Markus. (2016). Complex center embedding in German – The effect of sentence position. In Quantitative approaches to grammar and grammatical change: Perspectives from German, eds. Yannick Versley & Sam Featherston, 9–32. de Gruyter. (pdf)
- Bader, Markus. (2018). The Limited Role of Number of Nested Syntactic Dependencies in Accounting for Processing Cost:Evidence from German Simplex and Complex Verbal Clusters. Frontiers in Psychology 8: 1–21 (pdf)
- Bader, Markus, Emilia Ellsiepen, Vasiliki Koukoulioti & Yvonne Portele. (2017). Filling the prefield: Findings and challenges. In: Constantin Freitag, Oliver Bott & Fabian Schlotterbeck (Eds.). Two perspectives on V2: The invited talks of the DGfS 2016 workshop “V2 in grammar and processing: Its causes and its consequences”. 27-49. (pdf)
- Claudia Poschmann, Sascha Bargmann, Christopher Götze, Anke Holler, Manfred Sailer, Gert Webelhuth & T. Ede Zimmermann. (to appear). Split-antecedent relative clauses and the symmetry of predicates. In: Proceedings of Sinn und Bedeutung 2017. Berlin: ZAS. (pdf)
- Cruschina, Silvio, Katharina Hartmann and Eva-Maria Remberger (eds.) (2017). Negation: Syntax, Semantics & Variation. Vienna University Press. (cover)
- Dirani, Seyna Maria & Helmut Weiß. (accepted). Strong or weak? Or: how information structure governs morpho-syntactic variation. In: Dammel, Antje / Schallert, Oliver (eds.): Morphological variation – theoretical and empirical perspectives. Amsterdam: John Benjamins [Linguistic aktuell/Linguistics today] (pdf)
- Féry, Caroline. (2015). Extraposition and Prosodic Monsters in German. In L. Frazier & E. Gibson (Eds.), Explicit and Implicit Prosody in Sentence Processing. Amsterdam. John Benjamins Publishing Company.11-38. (pdf)
- Féry, Caroline. (2017). Intonation and prosodic structure. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (cover)
- Féry, Caroline, Pramod Pandey, Gerrit Kentner. (2016). The prosody of Focus and Givenness in Hindi and Indian English. Studies in Language 40(2). 302-339. (pdf)
- Féry, Caroline. (to appear). Discontinuous nominal phrases and intonation in a typological perspective. In Ahoua, Gibbons & Skopeteas (eds). De Gruyter. (pdf, acceptance letter)
- Flores, Cristina, Esther Rinke and Cecilia Azevedo. (2017). Object realization across generations. A closer look on the spontaneous speech of Portuguese first and second generation migrants, In: Elisa Di Domenico (Hg.): Syntax complexity from a language acquisition perspective, Newcastle upon Tyne, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 179-206. (pdf)
- Franco, I, O. Kellert, G. Mensching & Cecilia. Poletto (2016) “A diachronic study of the (negative) additive «anche» in Italian” Caplletra 61. 227.258
- Garzonio, Jacopo & Cecilia Poletto. (2017). How bare are bare quantifiers?: Some notes from diachronic and synchronic variation in Italian. In Syntactic Variation and Change. Special issue of Linguistic Variation 17:1, Edited by David Håkansson, Ida Larsson and Erik Magnusson Petzell. [Linguistic Variation, 17:1] (pp. 44–67) (pdf)
- Gippert, Jost. (2016a). Complex Morphology and its Impact on Lexicology: the Kartvelian Case. In: Lexicography and Linguistic Diversity. Proceedings of the XVII EURALEX International Congress, 6 – 10 September, 2016, Tbilisi: Tbilisi University Press, 16-36.
- Gippert, Jost. (2016b). Zum werden-Passiv im Gotischen. In S. Neri, R. Schuhmann, S. Zeilfelder & S. Hisatsugi (Eds.), »dat ih dir it nu bi huldi gibu«. Linguistische, germanistische und indogermanistische Studien Rosemarie Lühr gewidmet, Wiesbaden: Reichert, 135-145.
- Gippert, Jost. 2017. When Person overcomes Class – The Case of Caucasian Albanian. In International Journal of Diachronic Linguistics and Linguistic Reconstruction, 2018
- Grimm, Angela & Petra Schulz. (2016). Warum man bei mehrsprachigen Kindern dreimal nach dem Alter fragen sollte: Sprachfähigkeiten simultan-bilingualer Lerner im Vergleich mit monolingualen und frühen Zweitsprachlernern. Diskurs Kindheits- und Jugendforschung, 11(1), 27-42. (pdf)
- Hartmann, Katharina. (2017). PP-extraposition and nominal Pitch in German. In: Clemens Mayr & Edwin Williams (eds.) Festschrift für Martin Prinzhorn. Universität Wien: Wiener Linguistische Gazette. 99–107. (pdf)
- Häussler, Jana & Markus Bader (2015). An interference account of the missing-VP effect. Frontiers in Psychology 6:1–16 (pdf)
- Hirschberg Tim, Carolin Reinert, Anna Roth and Caroline Féry. (2015). Relative Clauses in Colloquial and Literary German: A Contrastive Corpus-Based Study. Linguistische Berichte 240. 405-445. (pdf)
- Manfred Sailer. (2018). ‘Doing the devil’: Deriving the PPI-hood of a negation-expressing multi-dimensional idiom. Linguistics. (pdf)
- Manfred Sailer & Assif Am-David. (2016). Definite meaning and definite marking. In Arnold, Doug, Miriam Butt, Berthold Crysmann, Tracy Holloway King & Stefan Müller (eds). 2016. Proceedings of the Joint Conference on Head-driven Phrase Structure Grammar and Lexical Functional Grammar. Stanford: CSLI Publications. 641-661. (pdf)
- Manfred Sailer. (2015). Inverse linking and telescoping as polyadic quantification. In Eva Csipak & Hedde Zeijlstra (eds): Proceedings of Sinn und Bedeutung 19. Göttingen. 535-552. (pdf)
- Manfred Sailer. (2016). The syntax-semantics interface. In Maria Aloni & Paul Dekker (eds.): Cambridge Handbook of Formal Semantics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Chapter 21. 629-622.
- Müller, Anja, Barbara Höhle and Petra Schulz. (2015). The interaction of focus particles and information structure in acquisition. In C. Hamann & E. Ruigendijk (eds.), GALA Proceedings 2013 (pp. 330-342). Cambridge. MA: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. (pdf)
- Müller, Anja, Petra Schulz and Tracy, Rosemarie. (2018). Spracherwerb. in C. Titz, S. Geyer, A. Ropeter, H. Wagner, S. Weber & M. Hasselhorn (Hrsg.), Entwicklung von Konzepten zur Sprach- und Schriftsprachförderung (pp. 53-68). Stuttgart: Kohlhammer. (pdf)
- Poletto, Cecilia. (2016). Which clues for which V2. Theoretical Approaches to Linguistic Variation. Edited by Ermenegildo Bidese, Federica Cognola and Manuela Caterina Moroni. [Linguistik Aktuell/Linguistics Today 234]. pp. 237–258 (pdf)
- Poletto, Cecilia & Emanuela Sanfelici (2015). On demonstratives in relative clauses. In Lingue e contesti. Studi in onore di Alberto Mioni, a cura di G. Busà e Sara Gesuato . CLEUP: Padova, 2015, pp. 561-571.
- Poletto, Cecilia. & Emanuela Sanfelici. (2017). Relative clauses. In E. Stark & A. Dufter (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Romance languages. De Gruyter, Amsterdam. 804-836.
- Poletto, Cecilia. (2015). Word order in the Old Italian DP. In The Cartography of Syntactic Structures, a cura di U. Shlonsky. Oxford University Press: Oxford. 2015, pp. 109.127. (pdf)
- Portele, Yvonne & Markus Bader. (2016). Accessibility and referential choice: Personal pronouns and d-pronouns in written German. Discours. Revue de linguistique, psycholinguistique et informatique 18. 1-41. (pdf)
- Rinke, Esther. (2016). The role of the interfaces in syntactic change. In S. Fischer & C. Gabriel (Eds.), Manual of Grammatical Interfaces in Romance, Manuals of Romance Linguistics 10, De Gruyter Mouton, 587-606. (pdf)
- Rinke, Esther & Elisabeth Aßmann. (2017). The Syntax of Relative Clauses in European Portuguese. Extending the Determiner Hypothesis of Relativizers to Relative que, Journal of Portuguese Linguistics, 16 (1), 4. ( (pdf)
- Rinke, Esther, Cristina Flores. and Pilar Barbosa. (2017). Null objects in the spontaneous speech of monolingual and bilingual speakers of European Portuguese. Probus, International Journal of Latin and Romance Linguistics. (pdf)
- Sanfelici, Emanuela, Petra Schulz, and Corinna Trabandt. (2017). On German V2 “relative clauses”: Linguistic theory meets acquisition. In E. Di Domenica (Ed.), Syntactic Complexity from a Language Acquisition Perspective (pp. 63-104). Cambridge Scholars Press. (pdf)
- Sanfelici, Emanuela, Trabandt. Corinna and Petra Schulz. (to appear). The role of variation of verb placement in the input: Evidence from the acquisition of V2 and verb-final German relative clauses. In T. Biberauer, S. Wolfe & R. Woods (Eds.), Rethinking Verb Second (Book Series Rethinking Comparative Syntax). Oxford University Press. (pdf, acceptance letter)
- Sascha Bargmann & Manfred Sailer. to appear. The syntactic flexibility of semantically non-decomposable idioms. To appear in: Manfred Sailer & Stella Markantonatou (eds): Multiword Expressions: Insights from a Multi-lingual Perspective. Berlin: Language Science Press. (pdf)
- Schubö, Fabian, Anna Roth, Vivana Haase, and Caroline Féry. (2015). Experimental investigations on the prosodic realization of restrictive and appositive relative clauses in German. Lingua 154. 65-86. (pdf)
- Schulz, Petra. (2018). Zur Semantik von Verben im Spracherwerb. In S. Engelberg, H. Lobin, K. Steyer & S. Wolfer (Eds.), Wortschätze. Dynamik – Muster – Komplexität. Jahrbuch des Instituts für Deutsche Sprache 2017 (pp. 133-151). Berlin, New York: de Gruyter. (pdf)
- Schulz, Petra. (to appear). Telicity in typical and impaired acquisition. In K. Syrett and S. Arunachalam (eds.), Semantics in Language Acquisition. Series: Trends in Language Acquisition Research. Amsterdam: Benjamins. (pdf)
- Schulz, Petra, Angela Grimm, Rabea Schwarze, and Magdalena Wojtecka. (2017). Spracherwerb bei Kindern mit Deutsch als Zweitsprache: Chancen und Herausforderungen. In U. Hartmann, M. Hasselhorn & A. Gold (Hrsg.), Entwicklungsverläufe verstehen – Kinder mit Bildungsrisiken wirksam fördern. Forschungsergebnisse des Frankfurter IDeA-Zentrums (pp. 190-206). Stuttgart: Kohlhammer. (pdf)
- Strobel, Thomas & Helmut Weiß. (2017). Möglichkeiten der Reduplikation des Indefinitartikels im Bairischen. In: Lenz, Alexandra N. / Breuer, Ludwig M. / Ernst, Peter / Glauninger, Manfred / Kallenborn, Tim / Patocka, Franz (Hrsg.): Dynamik, Struktur und Funktion bayerisch-österreichischer Varietäten. Stuttgart: Steiner, 71-88. (Zeitschrift für Dialektologie und Linguistik. Beihefte). (pdf)
- Trabandt, Corinna, Alexander Thiel, Emanuela Sanfelici and Petra Schulz. (2015). On the Acquisition of Ordinal Numbers in German. In: Cornelia Hamann & Esther Ruigendijk, Language Acquisition and Development: Proceedings of GALA 2013. 521-532. (pdf)
- Traoré, Yranahan & Caroline Féry. (accepted). Syllable structure and loanword adaptation in Fròʔò. In Lotven, Samson Alexander (ed.) ACAL 2017 Proceedings. Language Science Press. (pdf, acceptance letter)
- Traoré, Yranahan & Caroline Féry. (accepted). Nominal classes and phonological agreement in Fròʔò (Tagbana). To appear in a secret Festschrift. (pdf)
- Trutkowski, Ewa & Helmut Weiß. (2016). When Personal Pronouns Compete with Relative Pronouns. In: Patrick Grosz, Pritty Patel-Grosz (Eds.), The Impact of Pronominal Form on Interpretation. Boston/Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton, 135-166. [Studies in Generative Grammar 125] (pdf)
- Webelhuth, Gert, Sascha Bargmann, and Christopher Götze. (2017). More empirical evidence against the raising analysis of relative clauses. In Claire Halpert, Hadas Kotek, and Coppe van Urk (Eds.) A Pesky Set: Papers for David Pesetsky. CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 11-14. (pdf)
- Webelhuth, Gert, Sascha Bargmann, Christopher Götze. (to appear). Idioms as evidence for the proper analysis of relative clauses, In: Manfred Krifka und Mathias Schenner (eds). Reconstruction Effects in Relative Clauses. Berlin: de Gruyter. (pdf)
- Weicker, Merle & Petra Schulz. (in press). Is clean the same as not dirty? On the understanding of absolute gradable adjectives. In A. B. Bertolini & M. J. Kaplan (eds.), Proceedings of the 42th Annual Boston University Conference on Language Development. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Press. (pdf)
- Weicker, Merle & Petra Schulz. (to appear). Red train, big train, broken train – Semantic aspects of adjectives in child language. In M. Rispoli & T. Ionin (eds.), Selected proceedings from GALANA 7. (Book Series: Language Acquisition and Linguistic Disorders). Amsterdam: Benjamins. (pdf)
- Weiß, Helmut. (2016). So welih wíb so wari. Zur Genese freier w-Relativsätze im Deutschen. In: Sergio Neri/Roland Schuhmann/Susanne Zeilfelder (Hrsg.): “Dat ih dir it nu bi huldi gibu”. Linguistische, germanistische und indogermanistische Studien Rosemarie Lühr gewidmet. Wiesbaden: Reichert Verlag, 505-516. (pdf)
- Weiß, Helmut. (2017). Warum gibt es (im Bairischen) keine kochenden Hausfrauen, sondern nur kochendes Wasser? Über seltsame sprachliche Lücken und Beschränkungen. In: Sonja Zeman, Martina Werner, Benjamin Meisnitzer (Hrsg.): Im Spiegel der Grammatik. Beiträge zur Theorie sprachlicher Kategorisierung. FS für Elisabeth Leiss anläßlich ihres 60. Geburtstags. Tübingen: Stauffenburg (SdG 95), 53-67. (pdf)
- Weiß, Helmut. (2018). Das Eisbergprinzip – Oder wieviel Struktur braucht die Sprache? In: Elisabeth Leiss und Sonja Zeman (Hrsg.): Die Zukunft von Grammatik – die Grammatik der Zukunft. Festschrift für Werner Abraham anlässlich seines 80. Geburtstags. Tübingen: Stauffenburg, 429-447 (SdG 92). (pdf)
- Zimmermann, Thomas. E. (2017). Quantification over alternative intensions. Semantics and Pragmatics. (paper)
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March 20, 2018