Nominal Modification

The Research Training Group on Nominal Modification at the Goethe University Frankfurt

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Anja Šarić’s defense

On February 7th, 2018, Anja Šarić successfully defended her thesis entitled “Double genitives, possessives and nominalizations: Evidence for the DP hypothesis in Serbian”. Congratulations!

GK Colloquium: Sabina Halupka-Rešetar (Novi Sad)

Prof. Sabina Halupka-Rešetar from the University of Novi Sad will give a colloquium talk on Feb. 6, at 4pm in SH 2.106. Title: wh-phrases in the nominal domain in Serbian Abstract: In this talk, I examine the phenomenon of multiple wh-fronting on the level of a DP/NP in Serbian. Even though Serbian is a multiple wh-fronting Continue Reading

GK Colloquium: Ruby Sleeman and Lydia Grohe

Ruby Sleeman and Lydia Grohe will give two short talks on Jan. 23 at 4pm in SH 2.106. Ruby Sleeman: Ordinal numerals in dialects of Dutch I will present a synchronic study of the derivation of ordinal numerals from cardinal numerals in several different dialects of Dutch, combining a dialectological and a formal linguistic approach. Continue Reading

GK Colloquium: Priscilla Adenuga and Carolin Reinert

Priscilla Adenuga and Carolin Reinert will give two short talks on Jan. 16 at 4pm in SH 2.106. Prescilla Adenuga: Nominal Attributive Modifiers (NAM) in Ògè In this talk, I show that nominal attributive modifiers in Ògè are derived through two morphological processes which are reduplication and affixation. The base form of the reduplicated form Continue Reading

GK Colloquium: Melanie Hobich and Abigail Bimpeh

Melanie Hobich and Abigail Bimpeh will give two short talks on Jan. 9 at 4pm in SH 2.106. Melanie Hobich: The origin of the German(ic) was für construction and its implications.  Abstract: due to its split variant Was hast du für Forschung gemacht (“What kind of research did you do?”), the was für or ‘kind’ construction and its Germanic (Slavic and Baltic) Continue Reading

GK Colloquium: Astrid Gößwein and Sanja Srdanović

Astrid Gößwein and Sanja Srdanović will give two talks in the GK colloquium series on Dec. 12, 4pm, in SH 2.106. Astrid Gößwein: Experimental studies on the agreement of hybrid nouns in German   Abstract: Hybrid nouns are nouns like German Mädchen (‘girl’), which can occur with either syntactic or semantic agreement. In the case of Mädchen, syntactic Continue Reading

GK Colloquium: Fenna Bergsma and Lai Yat Han

Fenna Bergsma and Lai Yat Han will give two talks in the GK colloquium series on Dec. 5, 4pm, in SH 2.106. Title: Syncretism = shared syntax + shared spellout Presenter: Fenna Bergsma Abstract: I discuss how forms can satisfy multiple case requirements if they are syncretic (i.e. formally identical) between to cases. The approach Continue Reading


This is the blog of the Graduate School on Nominal Modification at Goethe University in Frankfurt am Main. We hope that we will soon be able to delight you with more interesting posts.